Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The cleanest laundry I've ever seen

This will be one of the most upbeat and uplifting blogs you will see me write. My day started off a little rough and I was a mix of emotions. At times I felt like an emotional wreck but then there were those moments I felt fine. Either way the day was just a mess. I ended up at Loyola around 4:30 sitting outside in smokers alley and it was the perfect atmosphere to write and get things down on paper. I proceed to start working on this idea, when all of a sudden the wind starts blowing just right and the sun was the right temperature on my face. I suddenly look off into the distance and see what seems like part of a rainbow but it couldn't be I say. I was wrong. I focus my eyes and follow the colors and see the faintest hint of a rainbow in an arch over the sun. I can't believe how beautiful it is and it touches me. We all have a tendency to have a fascination with rainbows but this felt like God was smiling at me, letting me know that everything will be okay. I couldn't help but smile and then chuckle to myself. I've been so wrapped up in how much love hurts and how I could never give my love to another person but this moment changes all of that. God was saying to me that you are worth it even if he thinks you are not. I have someone who does think I'm worth and always has. How could I even look anywhere else? I had to be reminded by a miracle in my eyes. Miracle in the sense that this rainbow was there for only a minute or two and I was the only one who noticed it. I captured it in my thoughts, in my words, in a picture to share with the rest of you. Believe in miracles and expect them to happen. Expect the unexpected. All those things people tell you to do, the universe reminds you in some way everyday. You just have to be willing to take notice and embrace it and it can take you to places you never expected. Am I still angry about him? You damn straight but not because of being in love. Am I still lost a little? Of course but you have to be lost to find exactly what you need. There is a reason why September is my favorite month, even though it brings with it hell, it reminds me of things I've lost sight of. Such as how important friendships are and how love hurts. How people will disappoint the hell out of you but at the same time surprise you. I've said that my life is making its way to perfection and I mean every word. My life has had its ups and downs but this year has brought me closer to my goals than ever before. So I don't mind the pain and hurt because it causes for the smallest things to bring you right back where you need to be.

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