Saturday, September 4, 2010

Can laundry be leftover?

September is my favorite month because it is that month of change. These first three days have been out of control though but I realized it is just residual energy from August. I can't get down about things that I know have a positive ending. Yeah maybe he has to go see about a girl but you know what he can. Hell I can go see about a boy. Surprisingly I am not mad just hurt because we can't talk about stuff. That's the point of being friends right is to tell each other stuff but my whole problem with that is the fact that he wants me to be there. To be with him and Roux but I can't have an answer to a simple question. Maybe I'm asking too much. Maybe he doesn't like the fact that I'm questioning the things he has already told me time and time again. Either way I can never leave him alone as much as I want to and I don't believe he wants me to leave him alone. I might for a little while though to see if I can handle it but I doubt it. At the end of the day I am happy and can't let these three days affect the outcome of September and plus I have a trip to New York to plan.

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