Saturday, April 5, 2008

The second load of laundry

So here is the second load of laundry coming at you. So, at the moment I'm having a little bit of a falling out with a very good friend of mine who I consider one of my best friends. This occurred because I feel that I have always been there for him when he has been going through so much and yet he could not pick up the phone to see how I am doing and why I'm upset. I want to be friends with somebody who actually cares about our friendship and whether or not we talk. I know that the majority of you would want the same thing. I feel like this person has been taking our friendship for granted and I would just like for this person to acknowledge the fact that he needs to be better to his friends. In the past, he has had many falling outs with his friends and he has been devastated by it and just couldn't live without them but when it comes to me, the person that he has been friends with for 4 years, he is nowhere to be found. It's kind of sad for me and it really hurts my feelings but what can I do. I don't feel like I'm wrong in the situation and I just want him to be man enough to tell me what's up, you know? Well, there is nothing more I can say about the situation. Just know, that sometimes you have to cut people from your life who are not helping you improve yourself and who doesn't appreciate you. The only thing you can do is pray and know that God will take care of you in the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some for a reason, some for a season, and some for a lifetime. Perhaps this is a "fair-weather" friend. When it's all good and you have something to put on the table then they can be there for you, but when you need them, then they are no where to be found. I think you should take a breather and try to figure out what made you want to be friends in this first place. Is is their charisma? Leadership abilities? Kind hearted nature? Cool nature? If you can't remember because the person is constantly selfish or not at all self aware, re-evaluate the friendship. Then when that's done ask GOD his opinion then act in the way your heart says.