Thursday, April 3, 2008

Random laundry

So I am very much upset at a piece of laundry that continues to dirty my thoughts and feelings. I feel as though I'm trying to make an effort to change my life and he finds the need to question how I must change my life. I've really been hanging out with myself a lot more lately and all of a sudden because I realize I want to hang out with myself, he feels like I'm being mean. Like I said before, the biggest mistake I ever made was having a guy take care of me. Never do it or if you do make sure you have some money stockpiled somewhere so you can leave him (that is if you want to). I'm no longer with this guy but he still pays for my bills and rent and whatnot. I know he's a great guy but I'm just trying to work on myself and my thought is that if you love me and care about me then you will understand my wanting to be alone and not around people all the time. He seems to think that I'm only nice to him when I want money but that's not true. I've always been nice and always want to know how he is doing but he never does the same yet he sees me as being mean? I know I'm only giving my side of the story and I hate bias stories so I'm just going to leave it at that. Take it or leave it and wear it or not but just keep in mind that independence is the best quality that anyone could have. Never ever depend on anyone cause in the end all you have is yourself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's a situation of "if you love something let it go, if it comes back it was always yours". if you can't respect a person's mind enough to let them be them and get their sh*t together then BYE!