Friday, September 12, 2008

Finally no laundry...well....maybe

I for once do not have any laundry to air or get clean. I've been on this being somewhat truthful kick which has the possibility to get me in trouble. I broke up with the boy and I'm happy about it. If you read my last post and other post of mine then you know how I feel about relationships and what not. If you haven't then I'll let you know that I really am not feeling relationships. I think the idea of being with one person right now is not right for me. I like the idea of having sex with whomever if I wanted too but that's not the case. I have the option to get sex on the regular from plenty of dudes but I'm addicted to one guy and one guy only at the moment (reference the post below). I know it seems I talk about sex a lot and guys a lot and I do because I'm very much boy crazy and very much into sex. Don't get me wrong, I do not just sleep with whomever, I mean sometimes shit happens but you know what I'm getting at. You know talking about sex brought a thought to my mind. So the idea of the friend with benefits and cut buddy is a very interesting topic of discussion. One of my new favorite blogs, talked about this topic some months ago and he was explaining the difference between a cut buddy and a friend with benefits. Obviously, I get the difference but what confuses me is that one person who isn't really a friend but seems more than a cut buddy. How is this possible? Well, let me give an example. I have a guy who puts it on a chick on the regular and mind you he don't know the chick that well so I would classify him as a cut buddy but then after sex he tends to have a conversation which throws me because if you are cut buddies then you need not know any personal information about each other besides are you clean. You about getting it in and that's about it. So, the conversation tends to be about significant others and family and birthdays and things that friends would talk about. However, they never have hung out in a setting that does not include a bed. Initially, when this guy and chick started talking it was as they were going to date each other but that quickly changed. So, I ask the question, is it that this guy feels bad just using chick for sex so he feels the need to be somewhat on the friend level even though it's not like they go out and have a cup of joe together or lunch? Or does this guy actually still kind of feel chick on another level but has reasons or circumstances that make that impossible?

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